Greetings! I'm a masters student studying Computer Science at UCLA
still exploring to
find out what I like. I'm passionate, hard-working, and always looking to learn and improve.
I am most familiar with Python and C/C++ and have experience with SQL,
Click the button below for my resume or keep
scrolling for an overview of my past work!
August 2022 - present
Software Engineer
at Two Sigma
I'll be starting a full time role with Two Sigma soon. :)
June 2021 - August 2021
remote internship
at Two Sigma
Under Trading Engineering, I improved existing NBBO consolidation infrastructure
as well as experimented with various NBBO consolidation tactics. In the end, I
was able to improve existing tactic performance by 9%.
June 2020 - September 2020
remote internship
at Two Sigma
I interned on the Data Quality Team where I developed a product to
detect and vet changes to old data. I communicated with data analysts to develop my product and factored in
input from a variety of involved parties to determine the most beneficial end state.
June 2019 - September 2019
at AT&T
As a software engineering intern under the AT&T Entertainment group, I worked to
create an application that completely automated the brownout testing of
residential gateways. This application interfaced with various hardware devices
to vary the power supply given to the residential gateway and featured an interactive GUI that
had realtime progress reports on the test itself as well as a field for the
test to be more configurable according to testing specifications. I also
created a similar program for the brownout testing of a remote.
January 2019 - June 2019
the plane
I worked as a fellow of the UCLA Game Lab,
to develop a 2D pixel survival game known as "fly the friendly sky"- inspired by the
long, uncomfortable experience of a long plane ride. I coded in C# using the Unity software
and bounced game mechanic ideas off of my partner and game artist. You can see more details
here and view the video
interview on the making of my game here.
March 2019
As a final project for UCLA's CS M152A Introductory Digital Design Laboratory,
I and two others created a game known as "Binary Blaster" using Verilog, a computer monitor,
and a Nexys 3 FPGA board. In the game, players must configure the eight switches on the
FPGA board to match the random eight bit binary number on the screen, which switches every five
seconds. The game also features a score tracker on a seven segment display as well as a submit
and reset button.
June - August 2018
Research Under
In the ARNI (Algorithmic Research in Network Information flow) Lab under Professor Christina Fragouli,
I studied the secure capacity of a specific type of wireless network called a 1-2-1 network. I
used MATLAB to simulate different schemes in choosing communication paths and analyzed how these schemes affected
the capacity. I was able to present my research at the Annual NSF REU Meeting of the Minds and at the
Summer Undergraduate Scholars Program Poster Symposium, where I and my research partner won
"Best Group Poster". (pictured above)
March - June 2018
Line Guided
Arduino Car
I and a partner breadboarded
and coded an Arduino car capable of sensing and following a black line on the floor.
The car used an IR transmitter and reciever system that conveyed readings to the Arduino which
in turn instructed the motors to run a certain speed to ensure the car stayed on the line.
March - June 2018
Aruduino Car
I worked with two others to breadboard, solder,
and code a car capable of solving a maze. This car again utilized an IR transmitter
and reciever system as well as an H bridge to navigate walls of a maze.
Through my Data Structures and Algorithms class, I coded a version of Tetris in C++ that
utilized my knowledge of data structures, inheritance, and recursion.
Just For Fun
Outside of all this, I enjoy dancing, designing, and baking-
amongst other things.